Where are the games played?
For baseball, the games are played at Community Park (800 Thomas Street in Wylie). For 14U baseball league, some games will be played in Garland and Sachse. Softball games are played primarily at Founder's Park (851 Hensley Lane in Wylie). The older leagues in Softball will play some games in Allen.
When does the season begin/end?
We have both a Spring season and Fall season for both baseball and softball. The Spring season begins roughly the 3rd week of March and games are played through the end of May/first of June. The Fall season begins in early September and games are played through the end of October. We have an end of season tournament for the Spring season.
What is the difference between the Spring and Fall season?
Our Spring season is our main season. Standings are kept and there is an end of season tournament. Uniforms are provided. Our Fall season when the player's move up in league age. The Fall season is to help prepare the player/team for the following Spring season. Standings are not kept and there is no end of season tournament. Registration fees are lower.
My son/daughter has never played baseball/softball before. Can they play?
Yes!! We are a recreational league. Our league is structured for maximum playing time for each player and coaches are there to teach the players and most of all for the players to have fun!!
What league will my son/daughter be on?
Please refer to the attached age chart for the Fall 2024/Spring 2025 season
How many leagues are there?
Baseball has 4U, 5U, 6U, 8U, 10U, 12U, and 14U leagues
4U - Teeball - All players bat off a tee. No outs are recorded. No umpires provided.
5U - Teeball - All players bat off a tee. Outs are recorded. Umpires are provided at this level and above.
6U - Teeball - Players can either bat off a tee or the coach can pitch to them.
8U - Coach Pitch - Players get 4 pitches. Only one extra base is allowed on an overthrow.
10U - Baseball - Kids pitch. No leading off. Can only steal when pitcher releases the ball.
12U - Baseball - Lead offs are allowed. Balks are called on pitcher.
14U - Baseball - Same as 12U. Can interleague with Garland and Sachse.
Does the league provide uniforms for the players?
For baseball, the league furnishes a jersey, cap, socks, and belt for the Spring season. No jersey is furnished for the Fall season.
For softball, the league will provide a jersey for the Spring season. No jersey if furnished for the Fall season.
What do I have to provide?
Each player will need to provide a glove, batting helmet, and bat.
How much does it cost to play?
Both Baseball and Softball have different fees for each league for the Fall and Spring season. Please click the Registration tab at the top of the Home page that will provide the fee structure for each league.
How many games are played in a season?
For baseball, the Spring season will be a 10 game regular season with a post season tournament for leagues 5U and older. For the Fall season, there will only be a 10 game regular season. There is no tournament in the Fall season.
How are teams formed?
For baseball leagues 4U-6U, the league will form each team based on returning players/returning teams and team/friend requests. For leagues 8U and above, the league does not assign players to a team unless they played on that team in the prior season. Each player new to the league or those that wish not to return to their previous team will attend a brief evaluation process and coaches will draft those players onto their team on the date teams are formed. All players will be placed on a team regardless if they attend an evaluation session.
What if I'm a new coach/new team?
If you are a coach that wants to start a new team and are coaching a 4U, 5U, or 6U team, you are able to pick your full team's roster. If you are coaching a team in leagues 8U and older, you are allowed to start off a new team with up to a maximum of 3 players of your choosing (14U league is allowed to bring full teams - USSSA Double AA and below). The rest of your team will be filled via our draft process and will consist of those players that attend an evaluation session. Those players that do not attend an evaluation session will be placed on a team via a blind pick by the coach.
When are games played and when are practices held?
Games are played on Saturday mornings/afternoons with some teams also having games on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings. The league generally does not schedule games on Wednesday or Friday evenings unless it is necessary due to rain outs. Practices dates and times will vary depending on the specific coach. The coach is responsible for finding practice space and setting up practice schedules after the season begins.
Where can I find a copy of the Bylaws and other Organization Documents?
These documents can be found on the Home page - click on Organization Info
What if I have more questions?
Please email wbsaboard@gmail.com for any other questions